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[Regular Board Meeting] or [Special Board Meeting]



[Insert Date (Day, Month Date, Year)]

[Insert Meeting Location] [Insert Time (ex. 6:00 p.m.)]


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  1. Call to Order by Board President

  2. Approved the Agenda

  3. Recite the Pledge

  4. Read the Aim and Mission of the District

  5. Welcome to Visitors, Press, Staff

    1. Open Forum

 VI.    Consent Agenda

  1. Minutes of the XXX meetings

  2. Bills and Claims for XXX

  3. Financial Reports of the District

  4. Personnel:

  5. Fundraisers

VII.    Reports


Action Items


VIII.    Old Business

  IX.    New Business


   X.    Board Policy #XXXXXX

  XI.    Purchase orders

  1. XXXXX

 XII.    Adjournment


Open Forum is scheduled for public communication to the board.  At that time, interested people may present comments, suggestions or concerns, even if they are not listed on the agenda.  However, an item usually must be included on the agenda before the board can officially act upon it.  Anyone wishing to speak to the Board of Education, and is not on the agenda, should contact Nicole Miller, not later than 30 minutes prior to the meeting.  Citizens with questions about the operation of the schools are encouraged to first contact the teacher or staff member closest to the situation.  The next step is to communicate with the building administrator.  Then, if it is necessary, concerns can be brought to the attention of the superintendent.  At this point, the school board may address unresolved concerns.  Official action can be taken only in open session.  However, with appropriate public notice, closed (or executive) sessions may be conducted to allow the board to consider matters listed in Iowa law.  Confidential or personnel matters, negotiations strategy, current or imminent lawsuits and some real estate purchases are among the items which may be discussed in closed session.


Approved:  12/11/2023    Reviewed:  ________      Revised:  ____________