School districts long-range needs assessment process include these items:
- provisions for collecting, analyzing and reporting information derived from local, state and national sources;
- provision for reviewing information acquired on the following:
- state indicators and other locally determined indicators,
- locally established student learning goals,
- specific data collection required by state and federal programs;
- provisions for collecting and analyzing assessment data on the following:
- state indicators
- locally determined indicators,
- locally established student learning goals.
Cross Reference:
101 Educational Philosophy of the School District
200.03 Responsibilities of the Board of Directors
208 Committees of the Board of Directors
208E1 Ad Hoc Committees - Exhibit
602.01 Curriculum Development
602.02 Curriculum Implementation
602.03 Curriculum Evaluation
603.01 Basic Instruction Program
606.06 Insufficient Classroom Space
801.01 Buildings and Sites Long-Range Planning
801.02 Buildings and Sites
Reviewed: 10/14/1996 Reviewed: 11/13/2024 Revised: 11/13/2024