The board values the participation and the support of school district-community groups, including, but not limited to, the booster club and parent-teacher organizations, which strive for the betterment of the school district and the education program. The board will work closely with these groups.
Prior to any purchase of, or fund raising for, the purchase of goods or services for the school district, the group will confer with the superintendent to assist the group in purchasing goods or services to meet the school district's needs.
Funds raised by these groups for the school district may be kept as part of the accounts of the school district.
It is the responsibility of the building principal to be the liaison with the school district-community groups affiliated with the building principal's attendance center.
Legal Reference:
Iowa Code §§279.8.
Cross Reference:
903 Public Participation in the School District
Approved: 12/11/1995 Reviewed: 3/8/2021 Revised: 3/8/2021
A volunteer is a person who works on an occasional or regular basis at school sites or other educational facilities to support the efforts of personnel. Volunteers shall serve in that capacity without compensation or employee benefits of any type, except for Workmen’s Compensation and Liability protection as provided by state law.
Volunteers are welcomed and encouraged in our school district. Volunteers must be recommended by a current employee of the school district or district parent, or be a parent with students in the Tipton Community Schools. In order to serve as a volunteer in the Tipton Community Schools, the volunteer must complete a Volunteer Disclosure Statement, provide a driver's license/photo i.d. and pass a background check to be placed on file in the Central Office. Coaching volunteers will also be provided a copy of the Volunteer Coaching Guidelines. All volunteer coaches must complete a Volunteer Coaching Contract. A signed copy of the Volunteer Coaching Contract is to be on file in the Central Office before assisting at practices. A letter through the Central Office will notify volunteers not accepted by the school district.
Volunteers, by lending their time, talents and resources to the educational team process, are an essential and valuable component of the Tipton Community School District’s mission to provide quality education to students K-12.
The district encourages the use of volunteers to:
1. Support and enhance instruction and co-curricular programs.
2. Enrich the curriculum and broaden student learning opportunities by adding a voice of experience or background knowledge.
3. Provide students with individual attention.
4. Assist students with varying abilities.
5. Provide teachers with more time to work with students.
Use of volunteers within the District is not to conflict with or replace any regularly authorized personnel.
To ensure the safety of the students, volunteers, and staff, all volunteers must adhere to volunteer guidelines outlined by the district and school(s) in which they serve.
Volunteers shall work under the direct supervision of staff members.
In accordance with the privacy rights of staff, students and families, volunteers must keep personal and personnel school matters confidential.
Legal references:
Iowa Code 279.8; 670.
Cross Reference:
603.1 Basic Instruction Program
903.3 Visitors to School District Buildings and Sites
Approved: 12/11/1995 Reviewed: 3/8/2021 Revised: 3/8/2021
School Volunteers:
Volunteers make valuable contributions to the learning process by providing assistance to the students and staff members of the Tipton Community School District.
The following guidelines were created to ensure the safety of students, volunteers and staff.
All Volunteers:
Will adhere to volunteer guidelines outlined by the school district and building(s) in which they serve.
Will identify themselves to the building administrator/designee before beginning each volunteer assignment. They will report to the office or designated place prior to beginning volunteer service. The volunteer will receive a volunteer identification generated by the Raptor system with official I.D. and will sign in and sign out.
Who work directly with students or assist staff on a regular basis; supervise/chaperone students; or act as a primary authority figure must complete voluteer information and disclosure statements. The disclosure statement will be collected and kept on file in the school building. After notification of approval, principals may allow volunteers who have completed a disclosure statement to begin their volunteer experience.
Examples of volunteers who must complete this screening process include:
Classroom volunteers/teacher assistants
Field trip supervisors/trip chaperones/trip drivers
Volunteer sport coaches/assistants
Volunteer club or activity sponsors/assistants
Examples of volunteers excluded from completing the information and disclosure statements but still provide a picture I.D for Raptor in necessary, include:
Classroom resource speakers
Concession workers, ticket takers, other volunteers whose primary role is not interacting with students, etc.
The principal will provide:
Orientation and information sharing for volunteers.
Supervision, monitoring and evaluation of volunteer efforts.
Accounting and reporting of volunteer activities in the Tipton Community School District.
Approved: 12/11/1995 Reviewed: 3/8/2021 Revised: 3/8/2021
The Tipton athletic staff is very happy to have the assistance of volunteer personnel in meeting some of the need of our high school programs. Volunteer coaches can play an important role in assisting with the tasks of working with a high school team. However, the Tipton athletic staff and administration reserve the right to select the personnel and ask that they abide by the following guidelines in assisting with any of our programs.
I hereby agree to the above stated stipulations in serving as a volunteer coach in (sport) During the school year.
Volunteer (signature) ____________________________________ Date: ____________________________
Head Coach (signature): ________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Athletic Director (signature): _____________________________ Date: ______________________________
Principal (Signature):___________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Superintendent (Signature): Date: _____________________________
Board President (Signature): Date: _____________________________
Approved: 12/11/95 Reviewed: 3/8/2021 Revised: 9/20/04
It is the policy of the Tipton Community School District Board of Education to make every reasonable effort to provide a safe learning environment for students working with volunteers. Therefore, the District requires the following confidential information from volunteers who work directly with students or assist staff on a regular basis, supervise/chaperone students or act as a primary authority figure. This statement must be completed and returned to the school building office prior to beginning any volunteer experience.
Have you ever been convicted of a serious misdemeanor, aggravated misdemeanor, or felony under Iowa law or any other state/country law?
Yes No
Have you ever been convicted, or had an administrative finding, of violating any law involving child abuse, sexual abuse, physical abuse, sexual harassment or exploitation, or any other crime related to children?
Yes No
Have you ever been the subject of or listed as the perpetrator in a founded child abuse report?
Yes No
Are you required to register as a sex offender with the Sex Offender Registry?
Yes No
Do you currently have charges pending or are there any ongoing investigations relating to any of the aforementioned?
Yes No
Has your driver's license ever been revoked for any reason? (Answer to be used in determining volunteer drivers.)
Yes No
A "Yes" answer to any of the questions listed above requires an interview with a district administrator.
Name: ________________________________________________ (Print Name)
Street Address: ________________________________________ City/State/Zip: __________________________________________
Day Phone: __________________________________ Evening Phone: _____________________________
School in which you wish to volunteer: elementary middle high (one school per form)
By signing this form, I agree that should any of the above information change in the future I shall contact the school building principal immediately.
Volunteer's Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: _______________________
Building Principal’s or Activities Director Signature: _____________________________________ Date: _______________________
Please return this form to: Tipton Community School District, Office of the Superintendent, 400 E 6th St., Tipton IA 52772
Approved: 12/11/1995 Reviewed: 3/8/2021 Revised: 3/8/2021
The board welcomes the interest of parents and other members of the school district community and invites them to visit the school buildings and sites. Visitors, which include persons other than employees or students, must notify the principal of their presence in the facility upon arrival.
Persons who wish to visit a classroom while school is in session are asked to notify the principal and obtain approval from the principal prior to the visit so appropriate arrangements can be made and so class disruption can be minimized. Teachers and other employees shall not take time from their duties to discuss matters with visitors.
Visitors shall conduct themselves in a manner fitting to their age level and maturity and with mutual respect and consideration for the rights of others while attending school events. Visitors failing to conduct themselves accordingly may be asked to leave the premises. Children who wish to visit school must be accompanied by a parent or responsible adult.
It is the responsibility of employees to report inappropriate conduct. It is the responsibility of the superintendent and principals to take the action necessary to cease the inappropriate conduct. If the superintendent or principals are not available, a school district employee will act to cease the inappropriate conduct.
Legal Reference:
Iowa Code §§ 279.8; 716.7.
Cross Reference:
902 Press, Radio and Television News Media
903.2 Community Resource Persons and Volunteers
Approved: 12/11/1995 Reviewed: 5/10/2021 Revised: 5/10/2021
School sponsored or approved activities are an important part of the school program and offer students the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities not offered during the regular school day. School sponsored or approved activities are provided for the enjoyment and opportunity of involvement they afford the students.
The board expects that students, employees and visitors will treat each other with respect, engage in responsible behavior, exercise self-discipline and model fairness, equity, and respect. Individuals violating this policy will be subject to discipline. Students will be disciplined consistent with the student conduct policies. Employees will be disciplined with employee discipline policies and laws. Others will be subject to discipline according to this policy.
Individuals are permitted to attend school sponsored or approved activities or visit school premises only as guests of the school district, and, as a condition, they must comply with the school district’s rules and policies. Individuals will not be allowed to interfere with or disrupt the education program or activity. Visitors, like the participants, are expected to display mature, responsible behavior. The failure of individuals to do so is not only disruptive but embarrassing to the students, the school district and the entire community.
To protect the rights of students to participate in the education program or activities without fear of interference or disruption and to permit the school officials, employees and activity sponsors and officials to perform their duties without interference or disruption, the following provisions are in effect:
Abusive, verbal or physical conduct of individuals directed at students, school officials, employees, officials and activity sponsors of sponsored or approved activities or at other individuals will not be tolerated.
Verbal or physical conduct of individuals that interferes with the performance of students, school officials, employees, officials and activity sponsors of sponsored or approved activities will not be tolerated.
The use of vulgar, obscene or demeaning expressions directed at students, school officials, employees, officials, and activity sponsors of sponsored or approved activities participating in a sponsored or approved activity or at other individuals will not be tolerated.
The use of alcohol, drugs, or tobacco products on school grounds is strictly prohibited.
If an individual becomes physically or verbally abusive, uses vulgar, or obscene or demeaning expressions, or in any way interrupts an activity, the individual may be removed from the event by the individual in charge of the event. Law enforcement may be contacted for assistance.
The superintendent may determine if a notice of exclusion from a sponsored activity or event needs to be sent to an individual. The superintendent will inform the board of the name of the individual and date(s) of the exclusion.
Individuals removed from school premises have the ability to follow the board’s chain of command and complaint policies should they choose to do so. The exclusion is in effect should the individual choose to appeal the decision of the superintendent. The term “individual” as used in the policy also includes students and employees.
If an individual has been notified of exclusion and thereafter tries to enter a school building or attends a sponsored or approved activity, the individual will be advised that his/her attendance will result in prosecution. The school district may obtain a court order for permanent exclusion from the school building or from future school sponsored or approved activities.
Legal Reference:
Iowa Code §§ 279.8; .66; 716.7.
Cross Reference:
205 Board Member Liability
504 Student Activities
802.6 Vandalism
903 Public Participation in the School District
Approved: 10/11/1999 Reviewed: 5/10/2021 Revised: 5/10/2021
The board recognizes that students, employees, parents or citizens may want to distribute materials withing the school district that are non curricular. Non curricular materials to be distributed must be approved by the building principal and meet certain standards prior to their distribution.
It is the responsibility of the superintendent, in conjunction with the building principals to draft administrative regulations regarding this policy.
Legal Reference:
U.S. Const. amend. I. Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier, 484 U.S. 260 (1988).
Bethel School District v. Fraser, 478 U.S. 675 (1986). New Jersey v. T.L.O., 469 U.S. 325 (1985).
Tinker v. Des Moines Ind. Comm. Sch. Dist., 393 U.S. 503 (1969).
Bystrom v. Fridley High School, 822 F.2d 747 (8th Cir. 1987). Iowa Code §§ 279.8; 280.22.
Cross Reference:
502.3 Freedom of Expression
503.1 Student Conduct
504 Student Activities
603.9 Academic Freedom
Approved: 12/11/95 Reviewed: 5/10/2021 Revised: 5/10/2021
I) Guidelines
Individuals, including students, may have the right to distribute on school premises, at reasonable times and places, unofficial written material, petitions, buttons, badges or other insignia, except expression which:
a) is obscene to minors;
b) is libelous;
c) contains indecent, vulgar, profane or lewd language;
d) advertises any product or service not permitted to minors by law;
e) Constitutes insulting or fighting words, the very expression of which injures or harasses other people (e.g., threats of violence, defamation of character or of a person's race, religion, gender, disability, age or ethnic origin);
f) presents a clear and present likelihood that, either because of its content or the manner of distribution, it will cause a material and substantial disruption of the proper and orderly operation and discipline of the school or school activities, will cause the commission of unlawful acts or the violation of lawful school regulations.
Distribution on school premises of material in categories (a) through (d) to any student is prohibited. Distribution on school premises of material in categories (e) and (f) to a substantial number of students is prohibited.
II) Procedures
Anyone wishing to distribute unofficial written material must first submit for approval a copy of the material to the building principal at least twenty-four hours in advance of desired distribution time, together with the following information:
a) Name and phone number of the person submitting request and, if a student, the homeroom number;
b) Date(s) and time(s) of day of intended display or distribution;
c) Location where material will be displayed or distributed;
d) The grade(s) of students to whom the display or distribution is intended.
Within twenty-four hours of submission, the principal will render a decision whether the material violates the guidelines in subsection I or the time, place and manner restrictions in subsection III of this policy. In the event that permission to distribute the material is denied, the person submitting the request should be informed in writing of the reasons for the denial. Permission to distribute material does not imply approval of its contents by either the school, the administration, the board or the individual reviewing the material submitted.
If the person submitting the request does not receive a response within twenty-four hours of submission, the person will contact the building principal's office to verify that the lack of response was not due to an inability to locate the person. If the person has made this verification and there is no response to the request, the material may be distributed in accordance with the time, place and manner provisions in subsection III.
If the person is dissatisfied with the decision of the principal, the person may submit a written request for appeal to the superintendent. If the person does not receive a response within three school days of submitting the appeal, the person will contact the superintendent to verify that the lack of response is not due to an inability to locate the person. If the person has made this verification and there is no response to the appeal, the material may be distributed in accordance with the time, place and manner provisions in subsection III.
At every level of the process the person submitting the request will have the right to appear and present the reasons, supported by relevant witnesses and material, as to why distribution of the written material is appropriate.
Permission to distribute material does not imply approval of its contents by either the school district, the board, the administration or the individual reviewing the material submitted.
III) Time, place and manner of distribution
The distribution of written material is prohibited when it blocks the safe flow of traffic within corridors and entrance ways of the school or otherwise disrupts school activities. The distribution of unofficial material shall be limited to a reasonable time, place and manner as follows:
a) The material will be distributed from a table set up for the purpose in a location designated by the principal, which location will not block the safe flow of traffic or block the corridors or entrance ways, but which will give reasonable access to students.
b) The material will be distributed either before and/or after the regular instructional day.
C) No written material may be distributed during and at the place of a normal school activity if it is reasonably likely to cause a material and substantial disruption of that activity.
IV) Definitions
The following definitions apply to the following terms used in this policy:
a) "Obscene to minors" is defined as:
i) The average person, applying contemporary community standards, would find that the written material, taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest of minors of the age to whom distribution is requested;
ii) The material depicts or describes, in a manner that is patently offensive to prevailing standards in the adult community concerning how such conduct should be presented to minors of the age to whom distribution is requested, sexual conduct such as intimate sexual acts (normal or perverted), masturbation, excretory functions, and lewd exhibition of the genitals; and
iii) The material, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value for minors.
b) "Minor" means any person under the age of eighteen.
c) "Material and substantial disruption" of a normal school activity is defined as follows:
i) Where the normal school activity is an educational program of the district for which student attendance is compulsory, "material and substantial disruption" is defined as any disruption which interferes with or impedes the implementation of that program.
ii) Where the normal school activity is voluntary in nature (including, without limitation, school athletic events, school plays and concerts, and lunch periods), "material and substantial disruption" is defined as student rioting, unlawful seizures of property, widespread shouting or boisterous demonstration, sit-in, stand-in, walk-out, or other related forms of activity.
In order for expression to be considered disruptive, there must exist specific facts upon which the likelihood of disruption can be forecasted including past experience in the school, current events influencing student activities and behavior, and instances of actual or threatened disruption relating to the written material in question.
d) "School activities" means any activity of students sponsored by the school and includes, by way of example but not limited to, classroom work, library activities, physical education classes, official assemblies and other similar gatherings, school athletic contests, band concerts, school plays and in-school lunch periods.
e) "Unofficial" written material includes all written material except school newspapers, literary magazines, yearbooks, and other publications funded and/or sponsored or authorized by the school. Examples include leaflets, brochures, flyers, petitions, placards and underground newspapers, whether written by students or others.
f) "Libelous" is a false and unprivileged statement about a specific individual that tends to harm the individual's reputation or to lower him/her in the esteem of the community.
g) "Distribution" means circulation or dissemination of written material by means of handing out free copies, selling or offering copies for sale and accepting donations for copies. It includes displaying written material in areas of the school which are generally frequented by students.
V) Disciplinary action
Distribution by any student of unofficial written material prohibited in subsection I or in violation of subsection III may be halted, and students may be subject to discipline including suspension and expulsion. Any other party violating this policy may be requested to leave the school property immediately and, if necessary, local law enforcement officials will be called.
VI) Notice of policy to students
A copy of this policy will be published in student handbooks and posted conspicuously in school buildings.
Approved: 12/11/1995 Reviewed: 5/10/2021 Revised: 5/10/2021