The board will keep and maintain permanent records of the board including, but not limited to, records of the minutes of board meetings and other required records of the board.
It is the responsibility of the board secretary to keep the minutes of the board meetings. The minutes of each board meeting will include as a minimum the following items: a record of the date, time, place, members present, action taken and the vote of each member, and the schedule of bills allowed will be attached. This information will be available within two weeks of the board meeting and forwarded to the newspaper designated as the official newspaper for publication. The information does not need to be published within two weeks. The schedule of bills allowed may be published on a once monthly basis in lieu of publication with the minutes. The permanent records of the board minutes may include more detail than is required for the publication of the minutes.
Minutes waiting approval at the next board meeting will be available for inspection at the central administration office after the board secretary transcribes the notes into typewritten material which has been proofread for errors and retyped.
NOTE: The requirements in the second paragraph are all legal requirements.
Legal Reference:
Iowa Code §§ 21; 22; 279.8, .35, .36; 291.6, .7; 618.3.
281 I.A.C. 12.3(1).
Cross Reference:
206.3 Secretary
206.4 Treasurer
208 Ad Hoc Committees
210.8 Board Meeting Agenda
708 Care, Maintenance and Disposal of School District Records
901 Public Examination of School District Records
Approved: 10/14/1996 Reviewed: 12/11/2023 Revised: 12/11/2023
Since the official minutes of the board are the only legal record, it is important that they be recorded with extreme care and completeness. The board secretary will follow the following guidelines in writing board minutes:
With respect to content, the minutes should show the following:
The place, date, and time of each meeting.
The type of meeting--regular, special, emergency, work session.
Members present and members absent, by name.
The call to order and adjournment.
The departure of members by name before adjournment.
The late arrival of members, by name.
The time and place of the next meeting.
Approval, or amendment and approval, of the minutes of the preceding meeting.
Complete information as to each subject of the board's deliberation and the action taken.
The maker and seconder of the motion, what action was taken, and the vote on the motion detailed enough to attribute a vote to each member present.
Complete text of all board resolutions, numbered consecutively for each fiscal year.
A record of all contracts entered into, with the contract documents kept in a separate file.
A record of all change orders on construction contracts.
All employment changes, including resignations or terminations.
A record, by number, of the bills of account approved by the board for payment.
A record of all calls for bids, bids received, and action taken thereon.
Approval of all transfers of funds from one budgetary fund to another.
Important documents forming a part of a motion should be made a part of the minutes by exhibit and placed in the minute book along with the minutes.
Board policy and administrative guides should be made a part of the minutes by exhibit.
Adoption of textbooks and establishment of bus routes by the board for the school year as well as the school calendar should become a part of the minutes.
Approval or disapproval of open enrollment requests with justification for disapproval or approval after the deadline.
A record of all delegations appearing before the board and a record of all petitions.
At the annual meeting in July/August each year the record should indicate that the books of the treasurer and secretary and the Certified Annual Report have been examined and approved subject to audit.
The election or appointment of board officers.
The appointment of auditors to examine the books.
At the annual organizational meeting in odd-numbered years, the minutes should reflect the following:
Appointment of a temporary chairperson if not specified in policy.
Oath of office administered to newly elected board members.
Nominations taken for the office of president and vice president.
Election of the president and vice president, the votes and the oath of office administered to the president and vice president.
The resolution to pay bills when the board is not in session.
A resolution to automatically disburse payroll along with a roster of all employees under contract.
A resolution naming depositories along with the maximum deposit for each depository.
Resolution authorizing the use of a check protector and signer and the proper control of the signer.
Motion designating a member or a committee to examine the bills of account for a designated period of time on a rotation basis if desired for the balance of the school year.
NOTE: There are no legal requirements for the contents of board minutes other than those stated in the policy. The contents of this exhibit are suggestions and may be amended, altered or deleted. For more detailed discussion of this issue, see IASB's Policy Primer, June 8, 2001.
Cross Reference:
206.3 Secretary/Treasurer
208 Ad Hoc Committees
208-E1 Ad Hoc Committees - Exhibit
210.8 Board Meeting Agenda
210.8EH1 Board Meeting Agenda - Example
210.8EH2 Board Meeting Agenda - Example(with closed session)
708 Care, Maintenance and Disposal of School District Records
901 Public Examination of School District Records
Approved: 10/14/1996 Reviewed: 12/11/2023 Revised: 12/11/2023