Each year after August 31 and prior to the organizational meeting of the board, the board will hold its annual meeting.

At the annual meeting, the board will examine the financial books and settle the secretary's and treasurer's statements for the fiscal year ending the preceding June 30.  As part of the annual reports, the treasurer will present affidavits from depository  banks.  The board may also appoint the board's legal counsel at the annual meeting.


Legal Reference:           

     Iowa Code §§ 279.1, .3, .33.


Cross Reference:                       

     206.3   Secretary

     206.4   Treasurer

     701.1   Depository  of Funds

     707.1  Secretary’s Report

     707.2  Treasurer’s Annual Report 





Approved:  10/14/96                                         Reviewed:        12/11/2023                                      Revised:   12/11/2023      



The regular meeting time and date will be set by the board at the organizational meeting in odd-numbered years, or at the annual meeting in even-numbered years.  

The regular meetings of the board will be held on the 2nd Monday of each month.  Meetings will begin promptly at 6:30 p.m. The board will adhere to this meeting date and time unless the board requires additional meetings or, due to circumstances beyond the board's control, the meeting cannot be held on the regular meeting date, and the meeting will be rescheduled in accordance with law and policy.  Public notice of the meetings will be given.


Legal Reference:    

     Iowa Code §§ 21.3, .4; 279.1 


Cross Reference:    

     200.1        Organization of the Board of Directors

    200.1R1    Organization of the Board of Directors - Organizational Meeting Procedures


Approved:      10/14/1996                                          Reviewed:  12/11/2023                           Revised:  12/11/2023



It may be necessary for the board to conduct a special meeting in addition to the regularly scheduled board meeting.   Special meetings may be called by the president  of the board or by the board secretary at the request of a majority of the board.  Should  a special meeting be called, public notice will be given.

If the special meeting called is an emergency meeting and the board cannot give public notice in its usual manner, the board will give public notice of the meeting as soon as practical and possible in light of the situation.  The reason for the emergency  meeting and why notice in its usual manner could not be given will be stated in the minutes.

Only the purpose or issue for which the special meeting was called may be discussed  and decided in the special meeting.  The board will strictly adhere  to the agenda  for the special meeting and action on other issues shall be reserved for the next regular  or special board meeting


Legal Reference:  

     Iowa Code §§ 21.3, .4; 279.2.


Cross Reference:  

     200.1   Organization  of the Board of Directors

     210       Board of Directors'  Meetings


Approved:  10/14/1996                                                Reviewed:    12/11/2023                                             Revised:  12/11/2023



The board, as a decision making body, is confronted with a continuing flow of problems,  issues and needs which require  action.  While the board is determined  to expedite  its business, it is also mindful of the importance of planning, brainstorming and thoughtful  discussion without action.  Therefore, the board may schedule work sessions and retreats in order to provide its members and the administration with such opportunities.   The board has the authority to hire an outside facilitator to assist them in work sessions.

Topics for discussion and study will be announced publicly, and work sessions and retreats will be conducted in open session.  No board action will take place at the work session.


Legal Reference:           

      Iowa Code §§ 21; 279.8.


Cross Reference:           

     210  Board of Directors'  Meetings

     211  Open Meetings



Approved:  10/14/1996                                            Reviewed:        12/11/2023                                           Revised:  12/11/2023


Public notice will be given for meetings and work sessions held by the board.   Public notice will indicate the time, place, date and tentative agenda of board meetings.  The public notice will be posted on the bulletin board or another prominent place clearly designated for posting agendas in the central administration office at least 3 days before it is scheduled, but, at the minimum, twenty-four hours notice needs to be given.

A copy of the public notice will be provided to those who have filed a request for notice with the secretary.  A copy of the public notice will also be accessible to employees and students.

In the case of special meetings, public notice will be given in the same manner as for a regular meeting unless it is an emergency meeting.  In that case, public notice of the meeting will be given as soon as practical and possible in light of the situation.  The media and others who have requested notice will be notified of the emergency meeting.  Attendance at a special meeting or emergency meeting by the media or board members  will constitute a waiver of notice.

It is the responsibility of the board secretary to give public notice of board meetings and work sessions.


Legal Reference:           

     Dobrovolny  v. Reinhardt,  173 N.W.2d  837 (Iowa 1970).

     Iowa Code §§ 21.2-.4;  279.1, .2.


Cross Reference:           

     210      Board of Directors'  Meetings

     210.8   Board of Directors'  Meeting  Agenda 


Approved:  10/14/1996                                            Reviewed:        12/11/2023                                        Revised:  12/11/2023


210.6 QUORUM

Action by the board regarding the affairs of the school district may be taken only when a quorum, a majority of the board members, is in attendance at the board meeting.  While in person participation is encouraged, board members may attend meetings either in person or electronically provided each member can hear and be heard in real time by all members present and the public.

While board members are encouraged to attend board meetings, 3 members will constitute a quorum and are a sufficient number to transact business of the school corporation.  The adjournment of a meeting may be executed without a quorum.

An affirmative vote of a majority of the votes cast is sufficient to pass a motion or take action unless law or board policy requires a vote of a greater number.

It is the responsibility of each board member to attend board meetings.


Legal Reference:           

     Iowa Code §§ 21.5(1); 279.4.


Cross Reference:                       

      210  Board of Directors'  Meetings



Approved:  10/14/1996                                                  Reviewed:  12/11/2023                                       Revised: 12/11/2023


An orderly board meeting allows the board members to participate in the discussion  and decision process on an issue confronting the school district.  Rules of order for board meetings allow school district business and the relative information concerning  the business to be brought to the attention of the board. They also allow the board to discuss, act upon and make a clear record of school district business in a regular, ordered, reasonable and consistent manner.

The board will follow Robert's Rule of Order, Revised,latest edition as modified by this policy and subsequent rule.

The purpose of modified rules adopted by the board are:

  • To establish guidelines by which the business of the governing board can be conducted in a regular and internally consistent manner.

  • To organize the meetings so all necessary matters can be brought to the board and decisions of the board can be made in an orderly and reasonable manner.

  • To ensure members of the board, concentrating on the substantive issues at hand, have the necessary information to make decisions, and to insure adequate discussion of decisions to be made; and,

  • To ensure meetings and actions of the board are conducted so as to be informative to the staff and the public, and to produce a clear record of actions taken and decisions made.


Legal Reference:           

     Iowa Code §§ 21.2, .7; 279.8. 


Cross Reference:                       

     210      Board of Directors'  Meetings

     210.8   Board Meeting Agenda  


Approved:  10/14/1996                                                     Reviewed:       12/11/2023                                   Revised:  12/11/2023



The following rules of procedure have been adopted by the board at the annual or organizational meeting:

  1. Board members need not rise to gain the recognition of the board president.

  2. All motions will be made as a positive action.

  3. A motion will be adopted or carried if it receives an affirmative vote from more than half of the votes cast. Only "yes" and "no" votes are counted in this calculation. It should be noted that some motions require larger numbers of affirmative votes, such as to move into a closed session.

  4. All motions shall receive a second, prior to opening the issue for discussion of the board. If a motion does not receive a second, the board president may declare the motion dead for lack of a second.

  5. The board president may decide the order in which board members will be recognized to address an issue. An attempt should be made to alternate between pro and con positions.

  6. The board president shall rule on all motions that come before the board.

  7. The board president may rule on points of order brought before the board.

  8. The board president shall have complete authority to recognize a member of the audience regarding a request to participate in the board meeting. Members of the public who wish to participate shall follow board policy.

  9. The board president has the authority to declare a recess at any time for the purpose of restoring decorum to the meeting.

  10. The board president has the same authority and responsibility as each board member to vote on all issues.


Approved:  12/11/2023          Reviewed:  _____________                   Revised:  ____________



The tentative agenda for each board meeting will state the topics for discussion and action at the board meeting.  The agenda is part of the public notice of the board meeting and will be posted and distributed.

Persons requesting to place an item on the agenda must make a request to the superintendent prior to the drafting of the tentative agenda.  The person making the request must state the person’s name, address, purpose of the presentation, action desired and pertinent background information.  Requests from the public may be added to the tentative agenda at the discretion of the superintendent after consultation with the board president.   Requests received after the deadline may only be added to the agenda for good cause.

The tentative  agenda and supporting documents shall be sent to the board members 5 days prior to the scheduled board meeting.   These documents are the private property  of the board member.  Persons wishing to view the tentative  agenda and supporting  documents may do so at the central administration office.

The board will take action only on the items listed on the tentative agenda posted with the public notice. Items added to the agenda may be discussed or taken under advisement by the board.   If an added item is acted upon, the minutes of the board meeting will state the reason justifying the immediate action.

It is the responsibility of the board president and superintendent to develop the agenda for each board meeting.  Any board member may place an item on the next regular agenda with the consent of a majority of the board.  Board members wishing to do so should provide notice to the superintendent and the board president 7 days prior to the scheduled meeting.   

Legal Reference:           

     Iowa Code §§ 21; 279.8.


Cross Reference:           

     210     Board of Directors'  Meetings

     211     Open Meetings

     213     Public Participation  in Board  Meetings

     215     Board of Directors'  Records

     402.5   Public Complaints  About Employees

     502.4   Student Complaints  and Grievances



Approved:  10/14/1996                                                         Reviewed:        12/11/2023                                  Revised:  12/11/2023



[Regular Board Meeting] or [Special Board Meeting]



[Insert Date (Day, Month Date, Year)]

[Insert Meeting Location] [Insert Time (ex. 6:00 p.m.)]


Zoom Link:


  1. Call to Order by Board President

  2. Approved the Agenda

  3. Recite the Pledge

  4. Read the Aim and Mission of the District

  5. Welcome to Visitors, Press, Staff

    1. Open Forum

 VI.    Consent Agenda

  1. Minutes of the XXX meetings

  2. Bills and Claims for XXX

  3. Financial Reports of the District

  4. Personnel:

  5. Fundraisers

VII.    Reports


Action Items


VIII.    Old Business

  IX.    New Business


   X.    Board Policy #XXXXXX

  XI.    Purchase orders

  1. XXXXX

 XII.    Adjournment


Open Forum is scheduled for public communication to the board.  At that time, interested people may present comments, suggestions or concerns, even if they are not listed on the agenda.  However, an item usually must be included on the agenda before the board can officially act upon it.  Anyone wishing to speak to the Board of Education, and is not on the agenda, should contact Nicole Miller, not later than 30 minutes prior to the meeting.  Citizens with questions about the operation of the schools are encouraged to first contact the teacher or staff member closest to the situation.  The next step is to communicate with the building administrator.  Then, if it is necessary, concerns can be brought to the attention of the superintendent.  At this point, the school board may address unresolved concerns.  Official action can be taken only in open session.  However, with appropriate public notice, closed (or executive) sessions may be conducted to allow the board to consider matters listed in Iowa law.  Confidential or personnel matters, negotiations strategy, current or imminent lawsuits and some real estate purchases are among the items which may be discussed in closed session.


Approved:  12/11/2023    Reviewed:  ________      Revised:  ____________        

210.8E2 BOARD MEETING AGENDA EXAMPLE (With Closed Session)

[Regular Board Meeting] or [Special Board Meeting]



[Insert Date (Day, Month Date, Year)]

[Insert Meeting Location] [Insert Time (ex. 6:00 p.m.)]


Zoom Link:


  1. Call to Order by Board President

  2. Approved the Agenda

  3. Recite the Pledge

  4. Read the Aim and Mission of the District

  5. Welcome to Visitors, Press, Staff

    1. Open Forum

 VI.    Consent Agenda

  1. Minutes of the XXX meetings

  2. Bills and Claims for XXX

  3. Financial Reports of the District

  4. Personnel:

  5. Fundraisers

VII.    Reports


Action Items


VIII.    Old Business

  IX.    New Business


   X.    Board Policy #XXXXXX

  XI.    Purchase orders

  1. XXXXX


XII.    Closed Session as provided in section 21.5(1)(i) of the open meetings law to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose performance is being considered to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation, as that individual has requested a closed session.


XIII.     Adjournment


Open Forum is scheduled for public communication to the board.  At that time, interested people may present comments, suggestions or concerns, even if they are not listed on the agenda.  However, an item usually must be included on the agenda before the board can officially act upon it.  Anyone wishing to speak to the Board of Education, and is not on the agenda, should contact Nicole Miller, not later than 30 minutes prior to the meeting.  Citizens with questions about the operation of the schools are encouraged to first contact the teacher or staff member closest to the situation.  The next step is to communicate with the building administrator.  Then, if it is necessary, concerns can be brought to the attention of the superintendent.  At this point, the school board may address unresolved concerns.  Official action can be taken only in open session.  However, with appropriate public notice, closed (or executive) sessions may be conducted to allow the board to consider matters listed in Iowa law.  Confidential or personnel matters, negotiations strategy, current or imminent lawsuits and some real estate purchases are among the items which may be discussed in closed session.

Approved:  12/11/2023    Reviewed:  ____________  Revised:  __________



Very often the board must consider agenda items which are noncontroversial or similar in content. Such agenda items might include ministerial tasks such as, but not limited to, the approval of the agenda, approval of previous minutes, approval of bills, approval of reports, etc. These items might also include similar groups of decisions such as, but not limited to, approval of staff contracts, approval of maintenance details for the school buildings and grounds, open enrollment requests or approval of various schedules.

In order for a more efficient administration of board meetings, the board may elect to use a consent agenda for the passage of noncontroversial items or items of a similar nature.

The superintendent in consultation with the board president and board secretary shall place items on the consent agenda. By using a consent agenda, the board has consented to the consideration of certain items as a group under one resolution. Items may be removed from the consent agenda at the request of a board member.

Nothing in this policy is to be construed as an attempt to avoid full compliance with laws dealing with open meetings or public notice of the agenda and meeting.

Legal Reference:  Iowa Code §§ 21; 279.8.

Cross Reference:

210 Board of Directors' Meetings


Approved:  12/11/2023        Reviewed:  __________  Revised:  __________