Students will receive a progress report at the end of each grading period.  Students who are doing poorly, and their parents or guardians are notified prior to the end of the semester in order to have an opportunity to improve their grade.  The board encourages the notification of students who have made marked improvement prior to the end of the semester.

Parent-teacher conferences will be held semi-annually at the elementary and middle school to keep parents informed.  High school conferences are not individually scheduled.

Parents, teachers, or principals may request a conference for students in grades kindergarten through twelve in addition to the scheduled conference time.  Parents and students are encouraged to discuss the student's progress or other matters with the student's teacher.

 NOTE:  This is a mandatory policy.  The second paragraph should be written to reflect the school district’s practice.

Legal Reference:               

Iowa Code §§ 256.11, 41; 280, 284.12).

281 I.A.C. 12.3(4), 12.3(6); .5(16).



Approved:  4/14/1997           Reviewed:  03/18/2024                 Revised:  03/18/2024



Students will be promoted to the next grade level at the end of each school year based on the student's achievement, age, maturity, emotional stability, and social adjustment.

The district shall adhere to the following: 

  • Retention/Promotion in kindergarten – eighth grade: The retention of a student will be determined based upon the judgment of the district’s professional staff. When it becomes evident a student in grades kindergarten through eight may be retained in a grade level for an additional year, the parents will be informed prior to making the retention decision.  It is within the sole discretion of the district to retain students in their current grade level and to deny promotion to a student.
  •  Retention/Promotion in ninth – twelfth grade: Students in grades nine through twelve will be informed of the required course work necessary to be promoted each year. When it becomes evident a student in these grades will be unable to meet the minimum credit requirements for the year, the student and parents will be informed. It is within the sole discretion of the district to retain students in their current grade level and to deny promotion to a student.
  •  Acceleration in kindergarten – twelfth grade: Students in grades kindergarten through twelve with exceptional talents may, with the permission of the principal and parents, take classes beyond their current grade level. Enrichment opportunities outside the school district may be allowed when they do not conflict with the school district's graduation requirements.
  • Retention or Acceleration in kindergarten – twelfth grade may also occur in additional instances as provided by law. 

For students in grades kindergarten through sixth, if a student is not reading at a proficient level, the district will notify a student’s parent or guardian of the student’s reading level, and the option for parents to request that the student be retained in the student’s current grade level for the subsequent school year.  The district is prohibited from promoting a student to the next grade level if the student is not reading proficiently, and the student’s parent or guardian requests the student be retained at their current grade level for the next year.

Any student or parent who is not satisfied with the decision of the district’s professional staff my seek recourse through policy 502.4 – Student Complaints and Grievances. 

NOTE: School districts that use specific steps or processes for determining retention or acceleration should reference the applicable criteria or where to locate the criteria in the bulleted information above. 

Legal Reference:    

Iowa Code §§ 256.11, 41; 279.8; .68

281 I.A.C. 12.5(16).


Cross Reference:  

410.02       Summer School License Empoyees 

603.02       Summer School Instruction 


Approved: 10/12/2015            Reviewed:  07/08/2024               Revised: 07/08/2024  



The school district will provide a program that establishes honors and awards including, but not limited to, academic letters, scholarships and good citizenship awards for students to assist students in setting goals. Students are made aware of honors and awards and the action necessary on the part of the student to achieve them. 

It is the responsibility of the superintendent to develop the administrative regulations regarding this policy.

Legal Reference:    Iowa Code § 279.8.

Cross Reference:                                            

501.6      Student Transfers In


Approved:  2/10/1997              Reviewed: 03/18/2024           Revised:   03/18/2024



A comprehensive testing program is established and maintained to evaluate the education program of the school district and to assist in providing guidance or counseling services to students and their families. 

No student is required, as part of any applicable program, funded by the United State Department of Education, to submit to a survey, analysis or evaluation that reveals information concerning: 

  • political affiliations or beliefs of the student or student’s parent or guardian;: 

  • mental or psychological problems of the student or the student's family; 

  • sex behavior or attitudes; 

  • illegal, anti-social, self-incriminating or demeaning behavior; 

  • critical appraisals of other individuals with whom respondents have close family relationships; 

  • legally recognized, privileged and analogous relationships, such as those of lawyers, physicians and ministers; 

  • religious practices, affiliations or beliefs of the student or student’s parent or guardian; or 

  • income,(other than that required by law to determine eligibility for participation in a program or for receiving financial assistance under such program); 

without the prior consent of the student (if the student is an adult or emancipated minor), or in the case of an unemancipated minor, without the prior written consent of the parent. 

Prior to an employee or contractor of the district providing information on a student enrolled in the district on any survey related to the social or emotional abilities, competencies or characteristics of the student; the district will provide the parent/guardian of the student detailed information related to the survey and obtain written consent of the parent/guardian of the student. This includes the person who created the survey, the person who sponsors the survey, how the information generated by the survey is used and how information generated by the survey is stored. This requirement will not prohibit a district employee from answering questions related to a student enrolled in the district as part of developing or implementing an individualized education program for the student. 

It is the responsibility of the superintendent, in conjunction with the principal, to develop administrative regulations regarding this policy. 

It is the responsibility of the board to review and approve the evaluation and testing program. 


Legal Reference: 

     20 U.S.C. § 1232h

     Iowa Code §§ 280.3


Cross References:

     505    Student Scholastic Achievement

     506    Student Records

     607.02     Student Health Services 

     607.02-R(1) Student Health Services - Regulation


Approved:  02/10/1997                  Reviewed: 08/14/023                Revised:  08/14/2023




Students must successfully complete the courses required by the board and Iowa Department of Education in order to graduate.

It is the responsibility of the superintendent to ensure that students complete grades one through twelve and that high school students complete 58 credits prior to graduation.  

The following credits will be required:

English/Language Arts                                  8 credits

Science                                                         6 credits

Mathematics                                                  6 credits

Social Studies                                                6 credits

Physical Education                                         4 credits

Health                                                             1 credit

Electives                                                        27 credits


The required courses of study will be reviewed by the board annually.

Prior to graduation, the district will advise students on how to successfully complete the free application for federal student aid.

Graduation requirements for special education students will include successful completion of four years of English, three years of math, three years of social studies and three years of science.

Students transferring to Tipton High School from other accredited high schools or approved high school programs must meet with the guidance counselor for the purpose of documenting transferable credits and determing the number of credits needed for graduation.

All credits for courses which meet the Post-Secondary classes will be accepted toward elective credit totals.

Students who complete a regular session in the Legislative Page Program of the general assembly at the state capitol will be credited 1/2 credit for social studies.  

Students enrolled in a junior officers' training corp will receive 1/8th physical education credit for each semester the student is enrolled in the program.


Legal Reference:               

     Iowa Code §§ 256.7, 11; .41; 279.8; 279.81; 280.3, .14.

     281 I.A.C. 12.3(5); 12(5).

Cross Reference:              

     603.3  Special Education

Approved:  2/10/1997                         Reviewed:  06/10/2024                         Revised: 07/10/2023



Generally, students will be required to complete the necessary course work and graduate from high school at the end of grade twelve.  Students may graduate prior to this time if they meet the minimum graduation requirements stated in board policy.

A student who graduates early will no longer be considered a student and will become an alumnus of the school district unless an activity or event has been approved by the high school principal or activities director.  However, the student who graduates early may participate in commencement exercises.

 NOTE:  This is a mandatory policy.  School districts do not have the authority to limit when a student may graduate early.  Students can graduate early whenever they meet the school district’s graduation requirements.  It is recommended that when a student graduates early, the student either gets the diploma or a notice from the school district that the student has graduated.  The board should determine in policy how an early graduate will be treated after the student graduates.  The board should determine whether the early graduate will be allowed to participate in activities and, if so, which activities.


Legal Reference:    Iowa Code §§ 279.8; 280.3.

                 281 I.A.C. 12.3(5);.5.




Approved:  2/10/1997          Reviewed:  03/18/2024       Revised:  03/18/2024




Students who have met the requirements for graduation will be allowed to participate in the commencement proceedings provided they abide by the proceedings organized by the school district.  It is the responsibility of the principal to solicit input from each graduating class regarding the proceedings for their commencement.

Failure of a student to participate in commencement will not be a reason for withholding the student's final progress report or diploma certifying the student's completion of high school.


Legal Reference:    Iowa Code §§ 279.8; 280.3.

                                281 I.A.C. 12.5.



Approved:  2/10/1997         Reviewed:  03/18/2024                    Revised:  03/18/2024



Parent and family engagement is an important component in a student’s success in school.  The board encourages parents and families to become involved in their child’s education to ensure the child’s academic success.  In order to facilitate parent and family involvement, it is the goal of the district to conduct outreach and implement programs, activities and procedures to further involve parents and families with the academic success of their students.  The board will:

(1)    Involve parents and families in the development of the Title I plan, the process for school review of the plan and the process for improvement; 

  • Jointly developing and agreed-upon written policy that is distributed to parents and family members of participating Title I children through the Elementary Parent/Student Handbook which is made available to every family.  (ESSA Section 1116(a)(2)(A) and (b)(1))

(2)    Provide the coordination, technical assistance and other support necessary to assist and build the capacity of all participating schools in planning and implementing effective parent and family involvement activities to improve student academic achievement and school performance by: 

  • Providing technical assistance and support in planning and implementing effective parent and family engagement activities to improve student academic achievement and school performance through professional development regarding parent and family engagement.  The district will partner with community groups as a means to engage families more creatively and successfully.  (ESSA section 116(a)(2)(B))

(3)    To the extent feasible, coordinate and integrate parent and family engagement strategies under Title I with parent and family engagement strategies outlined in other relevant Federal, State, and local laws and programs by: 

  • Working to find ways to work cooperatively with other Federal, State and local programs.  The Title I program will work with local public preschool programs, Headstart programs, local library programs, and special education programs (IDEA).  Our homeless education program coordinates with the local backpack program to offer support to students that are food insecure, especially over the weekends.  (ISSA Section 1116(a)(2)(C))

(4)    Conduct with the involvement of parents and family members, an annual evaluation of the content and effectiveness of the parent and family engagement policy in improving the academic quality of the school served including identifying barriers to greater participation by parents in Title I activities (with particular attention to low-income parents, Limited English Proficient (LEP) parents, parents of any racial or ethnic minority, parents with disabilities and parents with limited literacy);  needs of parents and family to assist their children's learning; and strategies to support successful school and family interactions by: 

  • Conducting an annual evaluation of the content and effectiveness for the Parent and Family Engagement Policy.  The evaluation includes parents in a meaningful manner.  In addition to surveys, the district uses advisory groups for this evaluation.  Parents and families have a voice.  The evaluation tools and methods identify the type and frequency of school-home interactions and the needs of parents and families have to better support and assist their children in learning.  The evaluations will target at least three key areas; barriers, ability to assist learning, and successful interactions.  (ESSA Section 1116(a)(2)(D)(iiii))

(5)    Use the findings of the annual evaluation to design strategies for more effective parent and family involvement and to revise, as necessary, the parent and family involvement policies by: 

  • Using the findings for the annual evaluation to design evidence-based strategies for more effective parent and family engagement.  The evaluation results will help uncover best practices thar are working and adapt those ideas to the district and individual school needs.  (ESSA Section 1116(a)(2)(E))

(6)    Involve parents and families in Title I activities by: 

  • Involving parents and family members in the activities of the school.  The district has established a school improvement advisory committee composed of a sufficient number and representative group of parents or family members to adequately represent the needs of the population, revised, and reviewed the Parent and Family Engagement Policy.  (ESSA Section 1116(a)(2)(F))

The district shall involve parents in determining how to allocate reserved Title I funds in accordance with applicable laws

The board will review this policy annually.  The superintendent is responsible for notifying parents and families of this policy annually or within a reasonable time after it has been amended during the school year.  The superintendent may develop an administrative process or procedures to implement this policy. 

Legal References:        

     20 U.S.C. §6318

Cross References:        

     903.2   Community Resource Persons and Volunteers


Approved:  01/09/2018                        Reviewed:  06/10/2024                              Revised:  06/14/2021



To further the interests of student achievement, the superintendent will create necessary rules to engage parents and family members within the district in the following ways on a building-level basis:

  1.  Policy Involvement:  The district will host an annual meeting and invite all parents to attend; and inform parents of their rights and the district’s requirements under Title I.  This meeting will also invite parents to become involved in the planning, review and improvement of a building policy and in developing the district plan.  The district will inform parents of:  

  • programs under this policy, 

  • curriculum and assessment used for students, 

  • the opportunity to meet with administration to participate in decisions related to their children’s education, 

  • a description and explanation of curriculum used in the school forms of academic assessment used to measure student progress, and 

  • achievement levels of the challenging State academic standards.  


  1.  Accessibility:  Provide opportunities for informed participation of parents and family members in understandable formats and languages.  This includes participation by parents and family members who may have disabilities, limited English proficiency, and migratory children. Offer a flexible number of meetings during the day, evening and weekends to facilitate parent involvement.  The superintendent has discretion to allow schools to provide childcare for families of students during these meetings through Title I funds.


  1.  High Student Academic Achievement:  Each school in the district will jointly develop with parents and family members a school-parent compact that outlines how parents, staff and students share responsibility for improving student academic achievement; and how a partnership will be built to achieve this.  The compact will describe the responsibility of the school to provide high quality curriculum and instruction, and the parents’ responsibility to support their children’s learning.  This will also address the importance of communication between schools and parents through parent teacher conferences, regular reports to parents on their children’s progress, and ensuring regular meaningful communication between family and school staff.  


  1.  Building Capacity for Involvement: Each school within the district will include in their plan ways to achieve the following:

  • Assist parents and families to understand topics including academic standards and assessments and how to monitor student progress; 

  • Provide materials and training to help parents work with students to improve achievement; 

  • Educate teachers and staff in how to communicate with parents and build ties to foster academic success; 

  • Coordinate and integrate other federal, state and local programs to support parents in more fully participating in students’ education; 

  • Ensure information related to programs is sent to parents and families in understandable formats; and 

  • Provide other reasonable support to encourage parental involvement


  1.  Schools Operating a Schoolwide Program:  Each school operating a schoolwide program under this policy shall:

  • Involve parents on a timely and ongoing basis in the planning, review and improvement of programs, including the parent and family engagement school policy drafting and review, and the joint development of the schoolwide program.  

  • If the schoolwide program plan is not satisfactory to the parents of the participating children, parent comments will be requested and submitted with the plan to the district.

Approved:  1/9/2018                         Reviewed: 03/18/2024                                   Revised:  11/12/2019